Sinatu/Firma por la suspensión de la financiación por el BBVA y otros bancos como el BBVA del DAPL (Oleoducto de Acceso de Dakota)
Más de 500 organizacionesinternacionales enter ellas la Plataforma contra el BBVA exigen a bancos como el BBVA la suspensión de la financiación del DAPL (Oleoducto de Acceso de Dakota)
Más de 500 organizacionesinternacionales enter ellas la Plataforma contra el BBVA exigen a bancos como el BBVA la suspensión de la financiación del DAPL (Oleoducto de Acceso de Dakota)
Carta abierta a todos los bancos
involucrados en el préstamo al proyecto Oleoducto de Acceso Dakota
(Dakota Access Pipeline:
Las organizaciones abajo firmantes le
escriben para compartir nuestra profunda preocupación acerca de su
participación en un contrato de crédito dirigido por Citibank con
Dakota Access LLC y Energy Transfer Petroleum Company LLC, enre
varios bancos entre ellos el BBVA, para obtener préstamos de hasta
2.500 millones de dólares para construir el Oleoducto de Acceso
Dakota (DAPL) y el Oleoducto de Petróleo Crudo Transferencia de
Energía (Energy Transfer Crude Oil Pipeline) en los Estados Unidos.
La propuesta DAPL de 1.172 millas de
largo es objeto de una gran protesta internacional, dirigida por la
tribu Sioux de Standing Rock pero apoyada por los gobiernos tribales
de más de otras 280 pueblos y aliados de todo el mundo. Esta
creciente resistencia mundial se opone a DAPL debido a que la
trayectoria del oleoducto está cortando los territorios sagrados de
los nativos americanos y las tierras concedidas por tratados, y
porque amenaza el aire y los recursos hídricos en la región y
corriente abajo.
Desde el pasado mes de abril, un
creciente número de defensores Nativos del Agua y sus miles de
aliados han convergido pacíficamente en Standing Rock, en la zona de
construcción del oleoducto, para detener la construcción de éste.
En respuesta a esta resistencia estrictamente pacífica, resistencia
local, la policía de varios estados y agencias de Estados Unidos,
miembros de la Guardia Nacional estadounidense y fuerzas armadas de
seguridad privadas que trabajan para los patrocinadores de proyectos
han utilizado equipo militar, tácticas y armas para intimidar,
detener y cometer otras graves violaciones de los derechos humanos
contra l@s Protectores del Agua y sus aliados. Se ha recogido la
utilización indiscriminada de perros de ataque, balas de goma,
granadas de concusión, pistolas paralizantes eléctricas (tazers)
y pistolas de pimienta , mientras que periodistas que cubren la
represión o han sido arrestados. La violencia desencadenada contra
los manifestantes por las fuerzas de seguridad ha dejado cientos de
heridos graves. La semana pasada, los manifestantes fueron atacados
con cañones de agua en temperaturas inferiores a cero, provocando
situaciones que ponen en riesgo vidas. Una manifestante se enfrenta a
la posible amputación de su brazo después de haber sido golpeada
con una granada de conmoción. Los manifestantes que han sido
arrestados también han sido sometidos a tratos inhumanos que
incluyen entre otras ser encerrados desnudos, o hacinados sin
alimentación ni calefacción en perreras.
Como el sindicato financiero (consorcio
entre distintos bancos) está dirigido por cuatro bancos que son
signatarios de los Principios de Ecuador, este proyecto de préstamo
está sujeto a estos Principios. Dado que los Principios recogen el
respeto de los derechos indígenas, específicamente el derecho de
las comunidades indígenas a negar el consentimiento a proyectos que
afectan a sus tierras ancestrales (CLPI), es para nosotros firmantes
inexplicable que no se haya identificado desde el principio la
contundente oposición al proyecto por parte de la tribu Sioux de
Standing Rock, así como las ampliamente documentadas violaciones
graves de los títulos de tierras nativas, las amenazas a las fuentes
de agua y la profanación de los cementerios como razones para que
los bancos participantes no financien este proyecto. Ya se infligió
daño a las áreas nativas cuando el personal de DAPL deliberadamente
profanó cementerios documentados y otros lugares relevantes para
esas culturas. Los opositores nativos al proyecto han enfatizado a lo
largo que la lucha del DAPL es sobre una mayor liberación indígena,
autodeterminación y supervivencia de las corporaciones coloniales y
actores gubernamentales complacientes.
Las organizaciones abajo firmantes
están siguiendo atentamente cómo los bancos que prestan apoyo
financiero al proyecto están actuando sobre la situación cada vez
peor en el terreno, incluido el BBVA. Dado su compromiso declarado de
respetar los derechos indígenas y el contraste con la dura realidad
exigimos que:
1. se detengan todos los nuevos
desembolsos de préstamos al proyecto
2. Bancos involucrados en el préstamo
exigen del patrocinador del proyecto que toda la construcción del
oleoducto y todas las estructuras asociadas se detengan hasta que
todas las cuestiones pendientes se resuelvan para la plena
satisfacción de la tribu Sioux de Standing Rock;
3. en caso de que no se logre una
resolución de las cuestiones pendientes con la tribu de Sioux de
Standing Rock, su banco se retirará totalmente del acuerdo de
4. se publicará una declaración
pública por su banco explicando cómo actuará sobre los aspectos
identificados arriba
Todos estamos de acuerdo con la Tribu
Sioux de Standing Rock en la defensa de sus tierras ancestrales ante
la amenaza de este proyecto y estamos completamente preparados para
tomar más medidas en esta campaña en caso de que consideremos
insatisfactoria su respuesta a esta propuesta. Dada la urgencia del
asunto, esperamos una respuesta de usted en esta carta tan pronto
como sea posible, pero no más tarde que el 5 de diciembre.
BankTrack, Netherlands - Johan Frijns, Director
1Earth Institute INC, United States - Eva Willmann de Donlea, Executive Director & Co-Founder |
350 Central Maine, United States - Richard Thomas, Co-leader |
350 Colorado, United States - Micah Parkin, Executive Director |
350 Louisiana, United States - Renate Heurich, Co-founder |
350 Maine, United States - Sarah Lachance, Extreme Energy and Solutions Team Coordinator |
350 San Antonio, United States - Kathy Glass, Representative |, United Kingdom - Nicolò Wojewoda, Europe Team Leader | Belgium, Belgium - An, Co-founder | France, France - Clémence Dubois, Campaigner | Japan, Japan - Shin Furuno, Japan Divestment Campaigner |, United States - Rosemary Carey, President |
Acción por la Biodiversidad, Argentina - Carlos Vicente, Coordinador |
Accountability Counsel, United States - Natalie Bridgeman Fields, Executive Director |
Action Non-Violente COP21, France - Jon Palais, Équipe d'animation |
ActionAid Netherlands, Netherlands - Ruud van den Hurk, Director |
Advocacy Action Group St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, United States - Peter Sergienko, Co-chair |
Advocates for Springfield, NY, United States - Tara Sumner, Vice President |
AFM Local 1000, United States - John O'Connor, Secretary Treasurer Emeritus |
Agricultural Missions, Inc, United States - Mikhiela Sherrod, Executive Director |
AKIN, Austria - Matthias Neitsch, Treasurer |
Aktionsgruppe Indianer & Menschenrechte e.V., Germany - Monika Seiller, Chair person |
Alaska Wilderness League, United States - Leah Donahey, Senior Campaign Director |
Aldeah, France - Raquel Neyra, Member |
Almáciga, Spain - Eva Sáinz, Coordinadora |
Alofa Tuvalu, France - Gilliane Le Gallic, President |
Alternatiba, France - Fanny Delahalle, Representant |
Alternativa intercanvi pobles indígenes, Spain - Esther, Project Management |
Amazon Watch, United States - Christian Poirier, Program Director |
Amigos de la Tierra (FoE Spain), Spain - Hector de Prado, Head of climate and energy unit |
Andy Gheorghiu Consulting, Germany - Andy Gheorghiu, Owner |
Arctic Consult, Norway - Dmitry Berezhkov, Director |
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, Thailand - Joan Carling, Secretary General |
ASNAI, Germany - Grit Steenbergen, Member |
Asociación de Cultura Popular Alborada, Spain - Ángel López, President |
Asociación Perifèries del Món, Spain - Rafael Maurí Victoria, Presidente |
ATTAC CADTM Maroc, Morocco - Omar Aziki, General Secretary |
Attac France, France - Maxime Combes, Spokerperson |
BALLE, United States - Sandy Wiggins, Chairman |
Barn Owl Foundation, Hungary - Ákos Klein, Managing director |
Bassetlaw against fracking, United Kingdom - David Larder, Chairman |
Batani Indigenous Foundation, Russia - Pavel Sulyandziga, Chair of the Board |
Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice, United States - Michael Eisenscher, Coordinator |
BBVAren aurkako Plataforma /Plataforma contra el BBVA, Basque Country |
Bergen Save the Watershed Action Network, United States - Lori Charkey, Director |
Beyond Extreme Energy, United States - Gabriel Shapiro, Organizer |
Bi lebenswertes Korbach e.V., Germany - Andy Gheorghiu, Member of Board |
BI Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg, Germany - Günter Hermeyer, Board Member |
Biofuelwatch, United States - Rachel Smolker, Codirector |
Birgit Breuer Huforthopädie, Germany - Birgit Breuer, CEO |
Bisbee & Cochise People for Community and Environmental Rights, United States - Maggie Kohanek, Organizer |
Bizi!, Basque Country - Jon Palais, Groupe international |
Bold Alliance, United States - Jane Kleeb, President |
Bold Iowa, United States - Ed Fallon, Director |
Bold Louisiana, United States - Cherri Foytlin, Director |
Bold Nebraska, United States - Amy Schaffer, Director |
Bold Oklahoma, United States - Mekasi Camp, Director |
Bootshaus Zeuthener See, Germany - Hartmut Zeeb, Owner |
Boston Impact Initiative, United States - Deborah Frieze, Founding Partner |
Both ENDS, Netherlands - Danielle Hirsch, Director |
BP or not BP?, United Kingdom - Danny Chivers, Co-founder |
Bread of Life Church, USA - Mike Little, Pastor |
Brighton Action Against Fracking, United Kingdom - Atlanta Cook, Equal |
Brighton Downlanders, United Kingdom - Charlie Flint, Secretary |
Bruno Manser Fund, Switzerland - Johanna Michel, Campaigner |
Buffalo Nickel, United States - Thomas Ryan RedCorn, CEO |
BUND Berlin e.V, Germany - Matthias Krümmel, Consultant for climate protection policies |
BUND Naturschutz in Bayern (Friends of the Earth Bavaria), Germany - Richard Mergner, Director, Policy |
Bürgerinitiative gegen CO2-Endlager e,V., Germany - Karin Petersen, Vorstand |
Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, United States - Jessica Daniel, Director of Fellowship |
Cadena de Derechos Humanos Honduras, Germany - Daniela Dreissig, PR Coordinator |
CADTM, International - Rémi, CADTM |
Carson Connected, United States - Lori Noflin, Volunteer / Founder |
Casabel, Belgium - Pauline Delgrange, Lawyer |
CAUGE, Scotland - Janette McGowan, Member |
C-CARE (Chenango Community Action for Renewable Energy), United States - Kenneth Fogarty, Chairperson |
Center for Biological Diversity, United States - Valerie Love, Clean Energy Campaigner |
Center for Economic Democracy, United States - Aaron Tanaka, Director |
Center for Environment/Friends of the Earth BiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Igor Kalaba, Energy and Climate Change Program Coordinator |
Center for International Environmental Law, United States - Carla Garcia Zendejas, Director, People, Land & Resources Program |
Center for Justice, United States - Rick Eichstaedt, Executive Director |
Center for support of indigenous peoples of the North, Russia - Rodion Sulyandziga, Director |
Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos "Segundo Montes Mozo S.J." (CSMM), Ecuador - Susana Peñafiel Acosta, Coordinadora General |
CGT Saysep Palencia Spain, Spain - Javier Escudero, Coordinator |
Chenango CDOGG (Chenango Delaware Otsego Gas Drilling Opposition Group), United States - Daniel Taylo, Member |
Chichester Antifracking Forum, United Kingdom - John Houston, Owner admin |
Chino Cienega Foundation, United States - Stephen Nichols, President |
Citizen Action of New York, United States - Bob Cohen, Policy Director |
Citizen United for Renewable Energy (CURE), United States - Georgina Shanley, Co-Founder |
Class Action, United States - Anne Phillips, Executive Director |
Clean Air Council, United States - William Fraser, Outreach coordinator |
Clean Water Action, United States - Jennifer Peters, National Water Programs Director |
Climate Justice Program, Sweden - Karl Andreasson, Co-Founder & Trainer |
Climate Justice Project, United States - Julie Maldonado, Member |
Climate Movement of Denmark, Denmark - Thomas Meinert Larsen, Spokesperson |
ClimateMama, United States - Harriet Shugarman, Executive Director |
CliMates,, Switzerland - Alexandra Gavilano, Founder, Project leader |
Climaximo, Portugal - Sinan Eden, Member |
Coalition Beauce -Etchemin, Canada - Claude C. Lachapelle, President |
Coalition Marocaine pour la Justice Climatique, Morocco - Noura El Ouardi, Coordinator |
CoFED (Cooperative Food Empowerment Directive), United States - Hnin Hnin, Co-Director |
Collectif 07 Stop au gaz et Huile de Schiste, France - Christophe Tourre, Coordinator |
Collectif 38 France STOP Hydrocarbures GHRM, France - bruno Morant, Référent |
Collectif Causse Méjean - Gaz de Schiste NON!, France - Tardy, Member |
Collectif relais d'informations et actions citoyennes, France - Bob Pilli, President |
Collectif Roosevelt, France - Bruno Lamour, President |
Columbus Community Bill of Rights, United States - Greg Pace, Co-founder |
Comité Citoyens et Citoyennes pour la Protection de l'Environnement Maskoutain, Canada - Jacques Tétreault, Président |
Comité citoyens sur les gaz de schiste Victoriaville, Canada - Alain Guillon, Président cordonateur régional du RVHQ |
Comite de citoyens responsables de Becancour, Canada - Yves Mailhot, Member |
Community Allies, United States - Ellen Shepard, CEO |
Community Empowerment and Social Justice (CEmSoJ) Foundation, Nepal - Prabindra Shakya, Chairperson |
Community Reinvest, United Kingdom - Joel Benjamin, Director |
Community Sourced Capital, United States - Rachel Maxwell, CEO |
Complete It Cuomo, United States - Christine Macpherson, Founder |
Compressor Free Franklin, United States - Donald Hebbard, President / Founding Member |
Concerned Burlington Neighbors, United States - Suzy WInkler, Co-founder |
Concerned Citizens of Otego, United States - Dennis Higgins, Secretary |
Concerned Citizens Ohio, United States - Gwen Fischer, Co-cordinator |
Concerned Residents of Oxford, NY, United States - Trellan Smith, Co-founder |
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes, United States - Sister Sally Ann Brickner, Coordinator of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation |
Consultants for Sustainable Development, Hungary - Kinga Horváth, Co-chair |
Corporate Europe Observatory, Belgium - Pascoe Sabido, Researcher and Campaigner |
Croatan Institute, United States - Joshua Humphreys, President |
Crude Accountability, United States - Kate Watters, Executive Director |
CSIA-Nitassinan, France - Edith Patrouilleau, Co-founder and vice-president |
Cultural Survival, United States - Suzanne Benally, Executive Director |
Daily Kos, United States - Mara Schechter, Campaign Director |
dangerous drums / dub interventions / KKDWberlin, Germany - Corin Arnold, Self employed initiator of all |
Debt Resistance UK, United Kingdon - Ludovica Rogers, Co-ordination group member |
Defund DAPL, Oceti Sakowin - Adam Elfers, Co-Founder |
Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement, United Kingdom - Amanda Root, Member |
Disclosure Network New York, United States - Nick Curto, Director & Co-Founder |
Divest Aachen, Germany - Gary Evans, Organizer |
Divest Uni Kassel, Germany - Kerstin L, Member |
DivestInvest Individual, United States - Vanessa Green, Director |
DivestInvest Philanthropy, United States - Clara Vondrich, Director |
Don't Gas the Pinelands, United States - Dr Bob Allen, Co-Chair |
Earth Action, United States - Mary Gutierrez, Executive Director |
Earth Care, United States - Bianca Sopoci-Belknap, Executive Director |
Earth First UK, United Kingdom - Sylvestre, Collective member |
Earth Guardians, United States - Russell Mendell, Campaign Coordinator |
Earth in Brackets, United States - Rachael Goldberg, Member |
Earth Peoples, International - Rebecca Sommer, President |
Ecologistas en Acción, Spain - Samuel Martín-Sosa, International Coordinator |
EcoNexus, United Kingdom - Helena Paul, Co-Director |
ECOTERRA Africa, Tanzania - Prof. J. Bauer, CEP & PDG |
ECOTERRA e.V., Germany - Angelika Lotz, Spokesperson |
ECOTERRA Intl., Germany - Dr. Hans-Juergen Duwe, Speaker |
Ecumenical Office for Peace and Justice, Germany - , |
Eerlijke Bankwijzer, Netherlands - Peter Ras, Projectleader |
EKBO Evangelische Kirche, Germany - Johanna Melchior, Pastor |
Ekologistak Martxan, Basque Country |
Elmirans & Friends Against Fracking, United States - Doug Couchon, Co-founder |
Embrey Family Foundation, United States - Lauren Embrey, CEO/President |
End Ecocide on Earth, France - Valérie Cabanes, Spokeperson |
Energy Democracy Project, United Kingdom - Sakina Sheikh, Campaigner |
Entrepueblos/Entrepobles/Entrepobos/Herriarte, Catalonia - Àlex Guillamón, Coordinator |
Environmental Commission of the Epsiscopal Diocese of Oregon, United States - Peter Sergienko, Convener |
Environmental Institute of Munich, Germany - Christina Hacker, Member of the board of directors |
Equal Exchange, United States - phyllis robinson, Education and Campaigns |
Equivicentinos, Portugal - Nídia Barata, Manager |
ETC Group, Mexico - Silvia Ribeiro, Latin America Director |
Euromeeting - European Support Groups for Indigenous Peoples in North America, Switzerland - Helena Nyberg, Member |
European Water Movement, Europe - Thierry Uso, Communication officer |
Executive Coaching, United States - Karen Metzger, Principle |
ExtrACTION Topical Group, SfAA, United States - Jeanne Simonelli, Convenor |
EYDAP S.A., Greece - Ilias Gerolymatos, Advisor |
Facing Finance e.V., Germany - Thomas Kuechenmeister, Managing Director |
Fair Finance France, France - Alexandre Naulot, Coordinator |
FairFin, Belgium - Frank Vanaerschot, Research coordinator |
Fern, Belgium - Julia Christian, Forest Governance Campaigner |
Films for the Earth, Switzerland - Kai Pulfer, CEO |
Finance & Trade Watch, Austria - Thomas Wenidoppler, Director |
First Nations Oweesta Corporation, United States - Chrystel Cornelius, Executive Director |
FÍS NUA, Ireland - C. Williams, Spokesperson |
Focus, Slovenia - Živa Kavka Gobbo, Chair |
Focus on the Global South, Thailand - Shalmali Guttal, Executive Director |
Food & Water Europe, Belgium - Frida Kieninger, Campaign Officer |
Food & Water Watch, United States - Hugh MacMillan, Senior Researcher |
FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture, United States - Hannah Brancato, Co-Founder and Co-Director |
Forest Peoples Programme, United Kingdom - Tom Griffiths, Responsible Finance Coordinator |
Former California State Senate Candidate, United States - Jack Lindblad, Founder |
Fossielvrij NL, Netherlands - Liset Meddens, National coordinator |
Fossil Free Amsterdam, Netherlands - Sven Jense, Initiator |
Fossil Free Augsburg, Germany - Christian Schön, Campaigner |
Fossil Free Berlin, Germany - Meike Schützek, Volunteer |
Fossil Free Erlangen, Germany - Christian Eichenmüller, Chairperson |
Fossil Free Freiburg, Germany - Tamara Nausner, Member |
Fossil Free Lund University, Sweden - Ruth Kruger, Member |
Fossil Free München, Germany - Maiken Winter, Member |
Fossil Free Münster, Germany - Leandra Praetzel, Member |
Fossil Free Oldenburg, Germany - Anna Deckert, Member |
Fossil Free SOAS, United Kingdom - Julia Christian, Campaigner |
Fossil Free Strathclyde, United Kingdom - Mathieu Munsch, Campaign organiser |
Fossil Free Stuttgart, Germany - Carolin Jaschek, PR |
Fossil Free Uppsala, United Kingdom / Sweden - Guy Finkill, President |
Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Network, United States - Greta Neubauer, Director |
Fossil Free The Hague, Netherlands - Femke Sleegers, Campaiger/coordinator |
Foundation Article 25, Poland - Aleksandra Antonowicz-Cyglicka, Chairperson |
Frack Free Lancashire, United Kingdom - Ian Roberts, Member |
Frack Free Mickle Trafford, United Kingdom - Stephen Allman, Part of the community group |
Frack Free North East England, United Kingdom - Edith Carli, Support |
Frack Free Storrington and West Chiltington, United Kingdom - Martin Dale, Admin |
Frack Free Sussex, United Kingdom - Ellie Wyatt, Chairman |
Frack Free Upton, United Kingdom - Joanne Sparke, Member |
Frack Free Wales, Wales - Keith M Ross, Co-ordinator |
Frack Free Worthing, United Kingdom - Steve Nethercott-Cable, Chairman |
Frack Off London, United Kingdom - Lorraine Inglis, Campaigner |
FrackFree Malpas, United Kingdom - Giles Tayler, Founder |
Frackfreesomerset, United Kingdom - Andy Andrews, Volunteer |
Framtiden i våre hender, Norway - Gustavo Parra de Andrade, Project manager |
France Libertes - Fondation Danielle Mitterrrand, France - Marion Veber, Program leader |
Franciscan Action Network, United States - Jason Miller, Director of Campaigns |
Frente de Defensa de Cajamarca, Peru - Nicanor Alvarado, Member |
Freshwater Accountability Project, United States - Lea Harper, Managing Director |
Freshwaters Illustrated, United States - Jeremy Monroe, Director |
Freunde der Naturvölker e.V. (German section of fPcN - friend of Peoples close to Nature), Germany - Bernd Wegener, Chairman |
Friends of Peoples close to Nature (fPcN-interCultural), Switzerland - Friedericke Bienert, Speaker |
Friends of the Earth Europe, Belgium - Colin Roche, Extractive Industries Campaigner |
Friends of the Earth Germany, Germany - Prof. Dr. Hubert Weiger, President |
Friends of the Earth International, Global - Dipti Bhatnagar, Climate Justice & Energy Program Coordinator |
Friends of the Earth Japan, Japan - Hozue Hatae, Development Finance and Environment Team |
Friends of the Earth NL / Milieudefensie, Netherlands - Evert Hassink, Sr. campaigner energy |
Friends of the Earth Scotland, Scotland - Mary Church, Head of Campaigns |
Friends of the Earth US, United States - Doug Norlen, Director, Economic Policy Program |
Friends of the Landless - Finland, Finland - Taru Salmenkari, Board member |
Friends of the Siberian Forests, Russia - Andrey Laletin, Chairman |
Fund for Democratic Communities, United States - Marnie Thompson, Co-Managing Director |
Fundación M´Biguá, Ciudanía y Justicia Ambiental, Argentina - Jorge Oscar Daneri, Abogado |
Fundación para el desarrollo alternativo Jenzera, Colombia - Efraín Jaramillo, Director |
Fundacja "Rozwój TAK - Odkrywki NIE", Poland - Kuba Gogolewski, Deputy Director |
Future instead of coal / Zukunft statt Kohle, Switzerland - Markus Keller, President |
GABRIELA Washington, D.C., United States - Jo Quiambao, Secretary-General |
GAIA - Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, United States - Christie Keith, International Coordinator |
GegenStroemung - CounterCurrent, Germany - Heike Drillisch, Board |
GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice, Germany - Lisa Goeldner, Project Coordinator |
Glasgow University Climate Action, Scotland - Isabella Nilsen, Co-ordinator |
Global Climate Convergence, United States - Timeka Drew, Coordinator |
Global Justice Now, United Kingdom - Kevin Smith, Press officer |
Global Witness, United States - Zorka Milin, Senior Legal Advisor |
GRAIN, International - LB, Researcher |
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, United States - Cindy Wiesner, National Coordinator |
Greater Bristol Alliance, United Kingdom - Alison Allan, Chair |
Green America, United States - Fran Teplitz, Executive Co-Director |
Green Blob, United Kingdom - Stephen Jackson, Owner |
Green Sanctuary Committee, CCNY, UU, United States - Gusti Bogok, Chair |
GreenDependent Sustainable Solutions Association, Hungary - Edina Vadovics, President |
GreenLatinos, United States - Mark Magana, President & CEO |
Greenpeace France, France - Jean-François Julliard, Executive director |
Greenpeace International, International (based in the Netherlands) - Daniel Mittler, Political Director |
Greenpeace Netherlands, Netherlands - Joris Thijssen, Executive Director |
Greenpeace USA, United States - Annie Leonard, Executive Director |
Greensboro Mural Project, United States - Alyzza May, Organizer |
GroenFront!, Netherlands - Karel Boom, Member |
Grupo de Apoio aos Jovens Indigenas do MS, Brazil, Brazil - Maria de Lourdes Beldi de Alcantara, President |
Guernsey County Citizens Support on Drilling Issues, United States - Greg Pace, Administrator / Founder |
Healing Revolution, United States - Jeff Ethan Au Green, Chief Executive Organizer |
Health, Scotland - Caroline McManus, Direct contact |
Highlander Research and Education Center, United States - Susan Williams, Education team |
Hip Hop Caucus, United States - Nakisa Glover, National Climate Justice Organizer |
Historischer Westernverein Hameln und German Internet Radio Association, Germany - Uwe Klinge, Moderator und Reporter |
HondurasDelegation, Germany - Daniela Dreissig, person responsible for press and lobby |
HOPE (Heal Our Planet Earth), United States - Cathy Spofford, Facilitator |
Human Rights 3000 / Menschenrechte 3000 e.V., Germany - Gudrun Wippel, Board Member |
Human Rights-Racial Justice Center, United States - King Downing, Founder |
Hungarian Climate Alliance, Hungary - Csaba Lajtmann, Executive |
ICRA International, France - Hervé Valentin, Chargé de mission |
Idle no more, Germany - Gabriele Weber, Member |
Inclusive Development International, United States - David Pred, Managing Director |
Incomindios, Switzerland - Lorenz Häberli, CEO |
Indigenous Concerns Resource Center , Kenya - Ben Koissaba, Team Leader |
Indigenous World Association, United States - Petuuche Gilbert, President |
INOCHI / Safe Energy Project, United States - Claire Greensfelder, Director |
Institut für Ökologie und Aktions-Ethnologie e.V. (INFOE), Germany - Johannes Rohr, Member of the board |
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, United States - Ben Lilliston, Director of Climate Strategies |
Institute for Policy Studies, Global Economy Project, United States - John Cavanagh, Director |
Intal, Belgium - Korneel De Rynck, Volunteer |
International Accountability Project, International - Ryan Schlief, Executive Director |
International Foundation for Indigenous Development "BATANI", Russia - Pavel Sulyandziga, Chair of the Board |
International Indian Treaty Council, International - Andrea Carmen, Executive Director |
International Rivers, United States - Monti Aguirre, Latin America Program Coordinator |
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), Denmark - Kathrin Wessendorf, Climate Program Coordinator |
Irreducible Productions, United States - Michael Gogins, Composer |
Isle de Jean Charles, United States - Albert Naquin, Chief |
IWGIA, Denmark - Alejandro Parellada, Programe coordinator |
Kalikasan - People's Network for the Environment, Philippines - Leon Dulce, Campaign Coordinator |
Keep Billingshurst Frack Free, United Kingdom - Martin Dale, Admin |
Keep Ireland Fracking Free, Ireland - Charlie, Spokesperson |
Keep Kirdford and Wisborough Green, United Kingdom - Jill Sutcliffe, Chair |
Kentucky Environmental Foundation, United States - Heather Warman, Executive Director |
Khalif A. Williams Consulting, United States - Khalif Williams, Owner |
Kleiner Fratz GmbH, Germany - Grit Nierich, Management |
Közép-magyarországi Zöld Kör, Hungary - Klara Kis, Program officer |
KyotoUSA, United States - Tom Kelly, Executive Director |
LAQAF, Canada - Albert Geuzaine, President |
Late Bloom Farm, United States - Kristin Pursell, Co-owner |
Leave it in the Ground Initiative (LINGO), Germany - Kjell Kühne, Founder |
Les Amis de la Terre France - FoE France, France - Lucie Pinson, Finance campaigner |
LES People's Federal Credit Union, United States - Linda Levy, CEO |
Liberate Tate, United Kingdom - Kevin Smith, Member |
Liberty Tree Foundation, United States - Ben Manski, President |
Lifted Voices, United States - Kelly Hayes, Co-founder |
Little Coloradro River Watershed Cha Association (LCRWCA), Navajo Nation - Kern Collymore, Senior Youth Coordinator |
Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network, United States - Mary Hufford, Director, Arts and Humanities |
Local 1000, United States - Tret Fure, President |
Local Futures/ISEC, United States - Sean Keller, Outreach Coordinator |
LPSG, germany - Christine Brelowski, Member |
MANA, France - Mignotte, Founder |
Mangrove Action Project, United States - Alfredo Quarto, Co-director |
Markets For Change, Australia - Peg Putt, Chief Executive Officer |
Markwells Wood Watch, United Kingdom - Emily Mott, Founder |
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, United States - Chloe Schwabe, Faith Economy Ecology Program Director |
Medact, United Kingdom - David McCoy, Director |
Medicine Tribe Water Warriors, United States - Michelle Gottreich , Founder |
MGE, United States - Albert Mitchell, Vice President Sales |
MGPA, Australia - Robyn King, Member |
Migrante Washington DC, United States - Jhong Dela Cruz, Chairperson |
Milford Doers/Residents of Crumhorn, United States - Otto Butz , Founder |
Milieudefensie - Friends of the Earth Netherlands, Netherlands - Freek Kallenberg, Campaigns manager |
MiningWatch Canada, Canada - Catherine Coumans, Co-Manager |
Molly P Hauck, Ph.D., LLC, United States - Molly P Hauck, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, President |
Move Your Money UK, United Kingdom - Fionn Travers-Smith, Campaign Manager |
Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP), Nigeria - Legborsi Saro Pyagbara, President |
Ms. Foundation for Women, United States - Teresa Younger, CEO and President |
Musée de l'Homme, France - Duda Romain, PhD |
Naropa University Sustainability Council, United States - Jeff Ethan Au Green, Member |
National Association of Professional Environmentalists, Uganda - Frank Muramuzi, Executive Director |
National Lawyers Guild, United States - Robin Martinez, Midwest Region Vice President |
National Society of Conservationists - Friends of the Earth Hungary, Hungary - István Farkas, Executive president |
National Toxics Network, Australia - Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith, Senior Advisor |
National Young Farmers Coalition: Catskills, United States - tianna kennedy, President |
Native Oganizers Alliance, United States - Judith LeBlanc, Director |
Natur og Ungdom (Young Friends of the Earth Norway), Norway - Ingrid Skjoldvær, Chair |
NDPoint Strategies, United States - Nikki Daruwala, President |
NEA, United States - Elizabeth Brown, Member |
Nebenrolle Natur, Switzerland - Marius Lochbihler, Vice-President |
New Economy Project, United States - Deyanira Del Rio, Co-Executive Director |
New Energy Economy, United States - Mariel Nanasi, Executive Director |
New Hampshire Pipeline Awareness Network, United States - David Moloney, Chairman |
New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light, United States - Joan Brown, osf, Executive Director |
New Mexico Story Power, United States - Maya Rommwatt, Editor |, United States - Rebecca Em Campbell, Principal |
No Canton Gas Pipeline, United States - Jennifer Wexler, Founding member |
No Fracking in Balcombe Society, United Kingdom - Charles Metcalfe, Member |
No Sharon Gas Pipeline, United States - Birgitta McAlevey, President |
NOOSFERA, Tajikistan - Tatiana Novikova, Project coordinator |
Northern New Mexico Climate Activists, United States - Nomi Green, Coordinator |
Northwest Watershed Institute, United States - Peter Bahls, Executive Director |
Norwegian Saami Association, Norway - Beaska Niillas, Chairman |
Nostromo Research, United Kingdom - Roger Moody, Director |
Notre affaire à tous, France - Marie Toussaint, President |
NTFP Exchange Programme, Philippines - Femy Pinto, Asia Executive Director |
OBRA (One Billion Rising Austria), Austria - Kazuko Kurosaki, Head of the association |
Observatorio de Multinacionales en America Latina - Paz con Dignidad, Spain - Erika Gonzalez, Resercher |
Occupy Democracy London, United Kingdom - George Barda, Member |
ODG, Catalonia - Alfons Pérez, Member |
Oil Change International, United States - Stephen Kretzmann, Executive Director |
ONCA, United Kingdom - Laura Coleman, Director |
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, United States - Kelly Campbell, Executive Director |
OTN-Hydroconsult, Netherlands - Teunis H. op ten Noort, Director |
Our Revolution, United States - Shannon Jackson, Executive Director |
OVEC (Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition), United States - Vivian Stockman, Vice Director |
Pacific Environment, United States - Alex Levinson, Executive Director |
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum, Pakistan - Saeed Baloch, General Secretary |
Partnership for Global Justice, United States - JoAnn Mark, Executive Director |
Peacemakers of Schoharie County, United States - Wayne Stinson, Action Committee lead |
Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light, United States - Rev. Douglas Hunt, Vice President |
People & Planet, United Kingdom - Andrew Taylor, Co-Director, Campaigns & Communications |
People of Albany United for Safe Energy - PAUSE, United States - Diana Wright, Facilitator |
People, Not Pipelines, United States - Colleen McKinney, Co-founder |
Perkumpulan Prakarsa, Indonesia - Victoria F, Research manager |
Plane Stupid, United Kingdom - All of us, no roles / no positions |
Plataforma Algarve Livre de Petróleo, Portugal - Rosa Guedes, Member |
Plataforma Ciudadana Zaragoza sin Fractura, Spain - Juan Carlos Gracia, Member of the board |
Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo (PIDHDD), Ecuador - Pablo A. de la Vega M., Coordinador Regional |
Platform, United Kingdom - Mika Minio-Paluello, Campaigner |
Plymouth Friends of Clean Water, United States - Peter Hudiburg, Founder |
Power Shift Network, United States - Lydia Avila, Executive Director |
PowerShift, Germany - Michael Reckordt, Member |
Preservar Algarve, Portugal - Celine Jacinto Rodrigues, Coordinator |
Pro REGENWALD, Germany - Hermann, Coordinator |
Project21, Switzerland - Marie-Claire Graf, Executive board |
Protect Orange County, United States - Pramilla Malick, Chair |
Protect the Forest, Sweden, Sweden - Elin Götmark, Spokesperson |
Protect the planet, Germany - Dorothea Sick-Thies , Founder |
PUSH Sweden, Sweden - Ahmed Al-Qassam, President |
Radical Independence Campaign East Kilbride, Scotland - Frances Sinclair, Campaign and event co-ordinator |
RAFT, United States - Ann Law, Member |
Rainforest Action Network, United States - Amanda Starbuck, Climate & Energy Program Director |
Raus aus der Steinkohle, Germany - Michael, Head |
Re:Common, Italy - Elena Gerebizza, Energy campaigner |
Reclaim The Power, United Kingdom |
Reflex Environmental Association, Hungary - Ferenc Horváth, Executive |
Regroupement vigilance hydrocarbures Québec, Canada - Odette Sarrazin, Désinvestir |
Renourish, United States - Eric Benson, Founder |
RepaNet Austria, Austria - Matthias Neitsch, Managing Director |
Réseau Action Climat France, France - Morgane Créach, Director |
Residents Action on Fylde Fracking (RAFF), United Kingdom - Ian Roberts, Chairman |
Resolution Meida Fund, United States - mark Lichty, Board member |
Resource Generation, United States - Jessie Spector, Executive Director |
Retenergie Coop, Italy - Daniela Patrucco, Vice-presidente |
Rio Arriba Concerned Citizens, United States - William Clark, President |
River Network, United States - Nicole Silk, President |
River Source Inc., United States - Richard Schrader, Director |
Robin Wood, Germany - Philip Bedall, Energy Campaigner |
Rochester Defense Against Fracking, United States - Patricia Chana Lunior, Stop all Pipelines |
Roxbury Arts Group, United States - David Capps, President, Board of Directors |
RVHQ, Canada - Den Des, Coordonateur |
Sacred Stone Camp, Oceti Sakowin - Oceti Sakowin, Supporter |
Sacred Stone Camp UK Solidarity Network, United Kingdom - Suzanne Dhaliwal, Member of the collective |
Salva la Selva, Spain - Klaus Schenk, Director |
Samiparliament, sweden - Stefan Mikaelsson , Chairperson |
SAPE, United States - Susan McDonnell, Co-founder |
Save The Hills Alliance, Inc., United States - Cheryl Miller, President |
SaveGreekWater, Greece - Maria Kanellopoulou, Coordinator |
SCALE, Incorporated, United States - Anthony Flaccavento, President |
Sekes For Public Athens Water Company, Greece - Petros Basteas, Member of Secretariat |, Greece - Mastorakis Manolis, Member of the Secretarial |
ShareAction, United Kingdom - Catherine Howarth, Chief Executive |
Sheffield People & Planet, United Kingdom - Chris Saltmarsh, Fossil Free Co-ordinator |
Sierra Club, United States - Nicole Ghio, Senior Campaign Representative |
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, United States - Nora M. Nash, Director Corporate Social Responsibility |
Skydda Skogen - Protect the Forest, Sweden - Elsabritt Calamnius, Member of committee |
Social Entrepreneurs for Sustainable Development Liberia, Liberia - Daniel Krakue, Director |
Society for threatened peoples e.V., Germany - Tanja Lehmann, Activist |
Society for Threatened Peoples Switzerland, Switzerland - Christoph Wiedmer, Co-Director |
Society for Threatened Peoples/Germany, Germany - Yvonne Bangert, Indigenous Peoples Dpt. |
SOS Liverpool Plains, Australia - Nicola Chirlian, Committee |
SpeziaPolis, Italy - daniela patrucco, Owner |
SpeziaViaDalCarbone, Italy - Daniela Patrucco, Speaker |
Split This Rock, United States - Sarah Browning, Executive Director |
Spokane Riverkeeper, United States - Jerry White Jr., Director |
Stand for Mauna Kea, United States - Cha Smith, Member |
Stichting Schaliegasvrij Nederland, Netherlands - Ko van Huissteden, Chair |
Stop Ecocide, Netherlands - Katy Olivia van Tergouw, Directer |
Stop NY Fracked Gas Pipeline, United States - Becky Meier, Co-Founder |
Stop Petroleo Vila do Bispo, Portugal - Ana Carla Cabrita, Member |
Stop the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion, United States - Suzannah Glidden, Co-founder |
StopNED, United States - Cathy Kristofferson, Co-founder |
Story of Stuff Project, United States - Michael O'Heaney, Executive Director |
Sullivan Area Citizens for Responsible Energy Development. (SACRED), United States - Larysa Dyrszka MD, Co-founder |
Sussex,Hampshire,Awareness,Fracking,Trust. (ed), United Kingdom - Stephen Jackson, Owner |
Sustainable Economies Law Center, United States - Chris Tittle, Director of Organizational Resilience; President |
Sustainable Endowments Institute, United States - Emily Flynn Pesquera, Associate Director |
Sustainable Tompkins, United States - Gay Nicholson, PhD, President |
SustainUS, United States - Ben Goloff, COP22 Delegate |
Swiss Youth For Climate, Switzerland - Marie, Member |
System Change, not Climate Change!, Austria - Magdalena Heuwieser, Activist |
Taiga Research and Protection Agency, Russia - Alexander Arbachakov, Director |
The Corner House, United Kingdom - Nicholas Hildyard, Co-Director |
The Crane Hill Organic Farm, United States -, Farmer |
The Democracy Collaborative, United States - John Duda, Director of Communications |
The International Institute of Climate Action & Theory, United States - Dr. Richard Widick, Director |
The Land Is Ours, United Kingdom - Tree, Collective member |
The Palestine BDS National Committee (BNC), Palestine - Riya Hassan, Europe Organiser |
The Woodland League, Ireland - Andrew St Ledger, PRO |
Three Squares Inc., United States - Jaime Nack, President |
Tightshift Laboring Cooperative, United States - Allison Basile, Member |
Tokata-LPSG RheinMain e. V., Germany - Dr. Michael Koch, Director |
Tolani Lake Enterprises Inc., United States - Bill Edwards, Executive Director |
Towards Sustainability Association, Hungary - Ákos Éger, President |
Toxics Action Center, United States - Claire Miller, Lead Community Organizer |
Transition Express Campaign, United States - Priscilla Rich, Executive Director |
Transnational Institute, Netherlands - Fiona Dove, Executive Director |
UCSOND, Ghana - Wisdom Quaiku, Executive Director |
UK Tar Sands Network, United Kingdom - Suzanne Dhaliwal, Coordinator |
Ulu Foundation, United States - Stephanie Fried, Executive Director |
United for Action, United States - Edith Kantrowitz, Board Member |
Unternehmensberatung TEMP GbR., Germany - Rudolf W. Hege, President |
Unterstützung nordamerikanischer Indianer, Germany - Claudia Ehlers, Member |
Up To Us, United States - Ethan Au Green, Member |
Uper Valley Affinity Group, United States - Frederick Wolfe, Member |
Upper Mooki Landcare Inc, Australia - Nicola Chirlian, Chairman |
Upper Valley Affinity Group, United States - Geoffrey Gardner, Communications Director |
Urgenda, Netherlands - M. Minnesma, Director |
Urgewald, Germany - Heffa Schuecking, Director |
US Labor Against the War, United States - Reece Chenault, National Coordinator |
Utah Moms for Clean Air, United States - Cherise Udell, Founder |
VABÖ - Verband Abfallberatung Österreich, Austria - Matthias Neitsch, Managing Director |
Vamos e.V. Münster, Germany - Stefanie Neumann, Campaigner |
Védegylet Egyesület, Hungary - Györgyi Újszászi, Secretary general |
Verein zur Unterstützung nordamerikanischer Indianer, Germany - Karl-Heinz Prestel, Member |
Veterans for Peace - Santa Fe Chapter, United States - Kenneth E. Mayers, Chapter Secretary |
Walkin´Sagres, Portugal - Ana Carla Cabrita, Owner/Nature Guide |
Wall of Women Colorado, United States - Paddy McClelland, Manager |
Water Protectors Legal Collective, United States - Bruce Ellison, Board Liason, Criminal Defense Coordinator |
We Are Seneca Lake, United States - Peter Drobny, Liaison, Coordinating Council |
WECAN (Women's earth and climate action network), United States - osprey-orielle lake, Founder and ED |
Welsh National Freedom News, United Kingdom - John Houston, Admin |
WeMove.EU, Europe - Oliver Moldenhauer, Executive Director |
Winter Oak Press, United Kingdom - Jon Harvey, Editorial co-ordinator |
WissenLeben e.V., Germany - Dr. Maiken Winter, Director |
Women Emancipation and Survival Foundation, Ghana - Winfried Donkor, Executive Director |
Women's Media Center, United States - Julie Burton, President |
Working Circle Indians of North America (AKIN), Austria - Peter Schwarzbauer, Chairman |
Worthing Climate Action Network, United Kingdom - Emma Cameron, Chair |
Worthing Downlanders, United Kingdom - Steve Nethercott-Cable, Committee Member |
XminY hét actiefonds, Netherlands - Doron Joles, Regional Coordinator |
Xun Biosphere Project, United States - Jon Anderholm, Director |
Young Friends of the Earth Europe, Europe – Zivile Mantrimaite, Coordinator |
Zeeb Kommunikation, Germany - Hartmut Zeeb, CEO |
Zelenite (The Greens), Bulgaria - Borislav Sandov, Campaign coordinator |
Zwei Welten Fachverlag, Germany - Antje Small Legs, Owner |
Возрождение Казаса и шорского народа, Russia - Владислав Таннагашев, Chairman |
Фонд саамского наследия и развития, Russia - Andrei, Director |